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Toodie May


My Story...

I first fell in love with Africa in 2012. The beauty of the animals intrigued me as I was privileged enough to watch them in their natural habitat. I began to teach myself simple photography on weekends looking out at Lake Huron. I became hooked, and went back to Africa to photograph zebras, monkeys, lions and more. 


My Story Books...

One day while I was in South Africa's Kruger National Park, I decided to write a book with some of my photographs for my granddaughters, and realized how influential these books could be for young children. I want to use my photographs to allow for discussion about animal conversation as well as environmental conversation, but I also want them to bring a smile to children's faces - so it's been a fun but challenging experience to find the right balance. I have now written a series of five books, each one telling a simple yet relatable tale that also includes themes and messages of morality and conservation.


This first series focuses on the adventures of Nzinga, a baby elephant that has a lot to learn about the world. These books were tremendously successful and it warms my heart to see young children so excited and engaged with the photographs and the stories they tell on each page. I couldn't have hoped for a better reception, and it's only inspired me more to keep picking up my camera, note pad and pencil and head back out into the world in search of more stories to tell.


I'm currently working on the second series, so keep an eye out for future updates and, if you haven't already, check out baby Nzinga's adventures!

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